internet portal of the PES

development of the internet portal of the umbrella organization of the social democratic parties in the European Parliament


The Party of European Socialists (PES) is the umbrella organization of social democratic parties, workers' parties and democratic parties from throughout the European Union, Great Britain and Norway.

The Internet portal was built on the basis of an Opensource CMS and contains a public area for visitors who want to learn more about the PES. In the internal area, workflows are provided for PES staff members to create new content, as well as workflows for organizational tasks like the organization of events.

My work on the project covered the following areas:

  • Implementation of search functionalities for vertical search.
  • Provision of the search functions via REST interfaces
  • Integration of the search functions and display of search results in the portal
  • Development of layouts for the opensource CMS
  • Design and implementation of workflows for the internal area